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Ada Oklahoma Sunday June 26 1960 rage 4 THE ADA EVENING NEWS by Ned Rdd1e 1 TWEEDY MIX MASTER THE ADA EVENING NEWS EstablIshed 1004 Only Fittest 2-11L of Crop Left On the Farms 'MR Editor and Pub licher BlISITIPS Managing Editor A Pvi 'Or 0NIA5q yll 7-'1 HZ ft-I r- "7 A Irk A 1 WILLI A'M LITTLF GEOLGE GIItIEY Biles Arivert: 'Manager Dale Cottrell 'Manager Helen Tinsley Business Pecords Mane Hickey ClassIfied Advertising rnav I coveay Murrort by 7 Aer ii Pubilsholl trah rt Moorta? F- OS 1711-1kil'1 ilg North Rattkv truto NAtimmit Alvort41 tirr000titatItrit ftv hr hwtork Mationry Jn No No i II! i Telophono TP: 2 4411 552 A Mornyvq CD LERCULATIONS 1 2- i II fr I tntsqd as Sciorit lats I'd tit at tr4 it Othca A la fdalaboma riec I WI arilrt Act ett March 3 Jr 3'ary fibaeriptine hatfa In Ala by tarpr ES API Is Otlaboma ir oo Ontalla CJaiatpma by mad 30 11:) By CAL TINNTY HOLLYWOOD Who can re- -Tmember hack to when tie presi' dential candidates went after the rirmi41 farm rote l------ -ii Farmers ha become so small Li a percentage of the popula- bon they are mostly an thought to present-day presiden-i -If tial candidates hat can we do it for the farmer?" is the last thing modern House hopefuls think about i So its good to know today's 1 farmer is a hardy citizen if his vo'e is qot as sought-after li a it used to be And Ill tell you why the modern farmer is hardy' 'll i r110141 71(T) h141 Qt4 I 4 rttl oi rt 7 1) i i Cohn of C0111111014 41 111 ihpoi 4 )1 i 41) 111 os411! 11 ii 4 I ee(" THE CUSTOMER An employe publJation of a 1g corpora tion recently carried an editorial hat Is a Customer?" Here is the answer which it gate: "A customer is not an outsider to our business he is a (letThlte part of it A customer is not an interruption of ()Jr work he is the purpose of it are not doing him a favor Ile is doin2 us a favor by letting us serte tom "A customer is not a cool statistic he is a flesh and hlood human hieing with and emotions like our own A is not someone to ar4ue or match wits with Ile deserves courteous treatment "A customer is not dependent on us We are dependent on him A customer us his wants It is our joh to handle them properly and to hull and to ourselves "A customer makes it possible to pay our salary lAhether we are a driver plant or office employe salesman or manazer A customer is the most important person in our business" It is well for every business ortaniation to stress these facts upon all employes One impohte employe can make more ene mies in a day than the rest of the organition can make friends in a montli The Sumter (S C) Deily Item STRIKE or Vice President Nixon mised the ball completely hen he struck at the farm surplus prcblein and the woriTs sup ply of food The vice presider' sugges'ed the United Nations form a surplus food pool from vhich to draw food to furnish hungry people the vorld over That idea appeals to people ith hungry stomachs and to people in this country ith full stomachs on first emotional reaction Why should any surplus food be left in any country khen other people in the vorld are hungry you might ask Nov get dow to cases There are precious few people in any other nation than the United States able to pro- duce a C--" '--1 -4 21 plus of a well 11i: 7 rounded diet I-4 We are pro4-'4 clueing 1 t''-- '''''1' '4 1 eing a stir- plus by mining our resources not so different from taking gold or silver or iron from the earth You don't put seed in the ground gather the crops from the plants and leave the soil as good as before unless you use a highly rotation crop system or replace with costly fertilizer the plant food mined One Titer explains our production thus: "the farmers' sweat the manufacturers' technology and the scientists' fertilizers" Our farm program needs a great deal of overhauling and ellen it is overhauled with the welfare of future generations in view there will be no greater surplus than is needed for safety Now let the UN start the pool Our surplus goes into it Maybe Brazil will put in some coffee and Cuba (if sanity is restored there) sugar and Mexico fresh vegetables and fruits and a bit more here and there But other nations do not want to give their food away They want to sell any surplus they may be fortunate enough to have Who would buy it? This country of course And who furnishes the money for it here? Our people who pay taxes and that is all of us So the final result would be the whole pool will be donated by this country We cannot afford to undertake to feed the millions of hungry people in the world A birth control program for the people of Asia Africa and the islands of the seas would have much more sense Of course our surplus is costly costing a million and a half dollars a day for storage only It may be better to give most of it away but if so let's give it away ourselves and not let the UN do it But as we said before when the congress gets around to writing a sound farm program the soil of this country will not be mined to produce food to give away or waste at home FISH FUN Toys except electrie trains are for children But there is one item at the recent show of the Dallas Trade Mart and Southwest Toy and Hobby Assn that might interest men Reportedly it's a "mechanical Jumping fish that in water will fight for his life against the pull of a young fisherman 'Would not this factory fish likewise resist the pull cf a somewhat older fisherman? The angling sport has already been highly mechani7ed with gasoline engines plastic lures glass rods self winding reels chemical baits and so forth A brainless fish would seem to he the pinnacle of piscatorial perfection With such a contrivance anyone multi catch as many fish as he could afford and as big as the manufacturers could make But fishermen are anything hut logical Most likely they'll continue to prefer messing with halt holding their rods for hours and maybe a mediumsized bass or crappie Dallas Times Herald ing com $1:: L00- 2''''' 1 He's a result of the survival of Th 1r1 4 '1161P 7: a7a a eee as I s'ee'i-' -a ae 4 ONN 1 the fittest The farming successes are ilq'7-e I ai et iieeevielea 1 ea- still on the farm The farming i It 'sal! ea ee i ee 't 1' Ii' a it: a I's I a failures traded their fruit jars for e'e seeestatosesee i a Le kese 1111NS 1v (9 1: can-openers and moved town lses el a '11-seeee'e)'-sie It wks 1 eea di0 They flunked and fled little trip recent ly a 00 et- KTh ea- 1 P''7 Religion In News ('' I made a -1 bteheronugahauafiantremdinfitahresainctehal ta'Yee- ae eaa eo' a (ear a knee-high to a grasshopper The 7 2 am fellers ho always were the best I'415: ee C4 farmers are still there The poor pf ey swapped cabbage plama aye' L--41' '1: 1 ft 05tisvtr: and tr: kr: Da as Pastor Favors 4- wire harness a one-eyed mule i 'ct i corn olan's and cotton plants for -Y a ee--eLeasilleeea-iseeeasseea'aies o'e -al sa'easas defense plants TOA1 -)be that owntown Churches Ls By TIM PItKER to the poor" he says --f-t '-e: I can remember-and I'm sure itefaeoe'a -Oa es ea es! a T's-e-: eesaa 1 a's you can too-when every farm- a eayeeeolaLet e' hen commission to minister to 4" downtown churches move to the i Api should The downtown church has a God- ol-S --5 0 unity had its share DALLAS Tex eat 'es es -'1': etioitErite fellers who did their farming be- suburbs to eta away from unsieht- these PeoPle" a ae ea es ee -t-1s-ee eleeaseSeeteeaee assate-aete ye -Ie se tween races to catch a cotton In ministering to them Firm tad rabbit for supper They were ings? Baptist wins many as members ly housing and cold business build- the poor old boys who be'loneed No says the Rev Dr A But (mite a few prefer to stay Hopeless to the wrong kind of 4-11 club: Criseell pastor of the biggest With the Good Shepherd Depart- FOR No Mi Hol HamstrungHelples Hungr and Bapist church in Texas Ervan anAmheantmannidt et Irlse tlot(neremsNdtrs olfla5rooretot Their wagons always needed greasing Their cultivators ere sinig more with an assist from a corps BETTER In fact the Rev Dr Criseell's Firet Baptist Church of Dallas is Many Su ers io ptitns held together by wire and the Iv into the area aronnet deep- workers HEALTH grace of Providence Their under- San Jacinto streets in the shadows beean several years ago when fed mules carried 40 pounds of of skvecraperse i Burch then a new member By DR RALPH SOCKMAX the foolish things of this wnrld cockleburrs in each tail Their And it seras busee into nearby of the church dedicated himself By A DEAN I ARE la STILL SU PERSTI A' to confound the wise" We think dogs always had the mance low-income districts to hring more to service in the underprivileged isi EDITORIAL: Many patients of us would deny ourselves very exper Their chickens had to scratch for underpr keed people to hurch areac in this mat- have come to me because they that we are superstitious A super- ter of strength We have become a living and their milk cow gave I were doi ististied la ith the results stition is a belief resting on emo- specialists in power We have about two pints of blue milk night The church has become a haven brought boys and girls to the I of another doctor's treatment In tion or fear rather than reason learned how to improve on the The emphasis is on voungeters With four other men Burch and morning I for boys whose bare feet show church basement where they I brief they didn't get any Om Their barn was er It is a kind of cobweb in the or- ei9W forces of nature We no long- propped up by through tattered shoes and girls- were fed and taught Bible lessons I After talking to such a patient tier of the mind and Ise like to er leave the lazy currents of rise some saplings and if it hadn't who 'stare wide-eyed at the Now the department has its own for aehile teamed by exami think that our mental attic have ers to their natural pace we been for tin snuff signs nailed over church's beautiful panelled walls building minieter and three large nation and a test or two I been swept clear of such clueer- change their channels we dig the open places a high wind would i First Baptist is worth about 10 buees realize that very often my recom- in falsehoods mill-races we build Boulder have pulled what little corn they million dollars which makes it 1 mended treatment for their mob- Of course we might plead Dams Wee do not leave fruits and had out of its crib like a suction one of the wealthiest churches in km ens the same as that of guilty to a few trifling supervegetables sti- vegeta to ripen with the sea- pip4 at a cotton gin the nation I i Indonesian Picks the first doctor lions Many of us distike to it on we speed them with hot- You don't see many of these Recently it paid a million (14 New Legislature Something is basically Vaung down at a table in a company 0: houses see try to put "punch" and fellers left They've moved to lars for a building across the with a situation such as this ad 13 or live on the 13th floor of a "pep into the processes of town and I don't blame them I street to add to its extensive fa-I JAKARTA tAPI-President Su I think both the doctor and the hotel Some have a strange fear nature and human nature are enough charity agencies' cilities which include a gymnasi- karno today replaced Indonesia's I patient are at fault First the of Friday others avoid walking But there are some processes in town to keep 'em from stare- um bowling alleys and a skating popularly-elected Pb Legielatere doctor makes a mistake in not under ladders But by and large into which "punch" cannot be put ing rink with his own Parliament of 283 informing the patient that his we pride ourselves on not being One can hardly speak of putting: These fellers have moved to The work among the under- hand-pieked members A rash of prescrileal tneement may not gullible or credulous We no lone it into one's love friendship or town and are now talking about privileged is supervised by First pamphlet hit lakartas streets do the trick and flea a second er lwlieve in ghosts or witchcraft sympathy No in growing the good old days while their BaptisCs Good Shepheed Depart- branding his action as dictatorial presertption in a he neceesiry The feeling is Widespread that fruits fil the sPirit which are love more enterprising friends of yes- ment which has its own minister' and in violation of the republic's teryear are still living them are -the Rev Johnny Barrett-and constitution still asking the earth for a living: its own stall' In some untisiall cases many dif religion as well as ignorance lose peace and theirtalikletis tohkel ferent modivines or ointments leis been responsible for keeping Creator has to keep Representatives of Indonesia's may hese to be tried superstitions alive he man on pace of "first the blade then the and are not being turned down But much of the dav-to-dav work' political parties hold only 50 per rmsisr tothdeiiyfoalrkes the farming inogn The ati nt makes the mi stake the street and the student on the ear then the full corn in the car' 1 sezes in the new Par campus are in lined to ink up- The re are seme areas in life the hament The rim under ve a of being too restless- or in a hurry by members of the cent of the to In te e1 of toing doctor and th rch a cn chus the home of here sse cannot say "step lively" successes They didn't laugh: Junior deacamong ons a them been allotted to members of so- ge ette sriginal many fears And the church must to the Aheighty We may grow when the county agent said there some of the wealthiest men in Dal- called functional groups India aco expreiu his unhappiness with frankly confess to having bar- mushrooms in a hothouse but was a new' and a better way to las drive the buses that pick up ing the youth movement In addi- bored many an irrational idea we cemnot re sir oak trees over- do something They kept "up" on' the children and their parents lion 35 seats are held by mem- i the treatment he turns to some- one else If the wcond doctor ie which should have been discarded night Hence we who have be- things i The Rev Dr Criswell believes hers of the armed forces i rst aide to tell twit the first kith the Dark Ages come so clever in venerating: In short they're the people who that churches have a clear duty Sukarno svho dismissed the old rescribed hen he same dnie and building time- didn't have to move to town to i to serve downtown areas 1 legislature on March 5 told the or a similar medicine I produ But how much freer from super horeepower tition is the street than the saving devices often fool our find prosperity They stayed mil 'Pressed against the downtown new Parliament its task would he i c- in4 the mw effect I may he pre SanCtUary? If we could analyze sekes in discounting Co old- the farm and made prosperity heart of any city is a large area to create an Indonesian socialist scribed wain There is no tries- the contents of a typical mind in fashioned quiet inner forces come to them 1 of declining properties that are state I lion that this a complete ate America eould the proportion Another superstition is that we iCopytight 1960 General Fee- I I i good medi (1 falsehood found be much smal- are afraid to trust what is not tures Corp) 'of time works' and ler than in the days of our grand- yet established and recognizes' DAILY CROSSWORD eine Oen sevend visits to a (i 0e i fathers'? We know more but we We think we know what it real i sate0 74-qi i ACROSS 2 Indian 19 Thin citAlr 1 to nece are sea a ry to rech a prop- also know ow so much more that and what is not and we are deter 1 New Lift Bridge weight metal er dialmosis The illness a ismt sm St ao)1I''' ese-l' :441 mined to be realists We are going 6 of the 3 Bole- disk ms 11ii A Gets Poor art i nat have advmed en -gh to he Despite the spread of educa- to fae But in all this we Apostles piercing 20 Shem'S still the easy victims may forget that it is possible to tool father r- recognieed at the initial visa tifin we '1I'e HOUGHTON Mich: 4pThe 10 Energy see' a a 0 r)-e of suble propaganda We are be- fool ourselves b)y he iesine )0 11 a (poss) A a rii--: The first treatment is often svmp- I- i-- new Portage Lake lift bridge got Cooks 4 Water deviled by a swarm of fooli4) little as by believing too much en egg fowl 22 Select tomatic i to relieve symptoms on- off to a poor start Friday It fake ideals and stinging There is a difference between 1 12 Visitor 5 Errors ing i IV not curative This explains idva" didn't lift in time i an optimistic temperament and I 13 Girl's name (print) 25 Droops -41'- -4---- why the origimil medicine may The Schoellkopf Jr car- i t':) 4 -1 14 Openings 6 Arabian 27 Fab- I With all respect to the amazing godly faith Optimism may under- I hut be too efloctive Also a doctor ming a cargo of coal dropped Openings (anat) garment utoue powers Of the human mind we rate dr site and strength of the anchor to stop when the bridee 15Weaken 7 Satisfy candle Teitrday's A may eant to save the patient Senswe 1 have to admit its limitations We )stac es to he faces Faith can i some TM-MeV and will not order a didn't lift on signal The anchor 17Veterinare by proof I complicated or eepensive test or CAn talk ourselves into believing look at them with unbandaged cut a cable and severed telephone! Ian (colloil) 8 Skin sea 33 Behold! alnloq anything We can deceive eyes and be undismayed because X-ray at the very fir et visit Oh- communications to the Keweenaw 18 Sign as disorder mon (Fr) servation tor a days to a ourselves vith wishful thinking it sees beyond to the resources of reninsida correct 9 Narrow sters 34 Moon i few seek or se is pen rrat We can he SCientists in the labor- God Optimism may be the pro- Michigan Bell Telephone Co 19 Summer' strips of 2c1Plantecl valley I ilia of sanguine sri mine tem )eriment flowers 0 Minister Obligate wood 3' fme hathr oli is tlioit: atory one day and savages the 1 estimated damage at upwards of next We can fool ourselves with Plus: defective eyesight Faith is 21 Excuse 12 Dove cages assise 40 Type saitching to anotikr doctor dur- S10000 ss it 611kot thy called our "cock ISMS plus valor" 23 Soon 16 Play on tant measures mg period ill actually set 1 -1 I eved co sureness" All these As the Apostle said ''God chose 24 Denomi- words (pd) 32 Tapestry 42 Fruit drink Ito(' pati ent back sornew hat nations es of mild may be called "wis- even things that are not to bring I MNinderstandaigs between pa- POLITICAL 26 Bags 7- i -2 3 4 7 -8 51 dom" at tde time nothing thingh tat are" Hence 4 and (lector are occeelonally 29Guide ee eV thd Nene thus thb "wise in our we are superstitious when we umissedable but I bore ss hat I've ANNOUNCEMENTS 31 Leading 2c it own concer we superstitiously suorffly ineist that "seeing is said today will prevent a few actor call many things leolishness 1A-hich be llevine" It was said of Moses 2 1 IQ 'We are concomsd over The News is authori7cd to :12 Vindicators A 3 our daneleer ss ho is 6 years old "Ils "isdom that he endured AS SMing Him announce the candi dacy of the 1 35xcla- 'iAl 5 One of oer superstitions is that who is invisible" If that be super- following I non i WZ i 7 She had a ses ere attack of mumps' subject to the action i 74 aa sie cake le After re turn ske re a aadd to trust the power stilton ake the most it Moses 36 Fabulous 10 of the Democratic primaries yel 9 1 of God We fool ourselves as to did bird ine to school one seek she de- in July 37' Cebine oped a low-grade fever which IC() wriht 060 General Fea- Sr hat is wedi and what is strong 1 heif 21 22 2 Griffin weight Saint Paul sitd ''God hath chosen tures Corp) monkey has pereisted In spite of a few Oren Phillips 33 Turkish '24 Vi 2AD (47 bhmxi and orine tests the cause Burl has not been found The doctor ALL IN A LIFETIME rA ct qo 0 11 n1 em I nr-t-s-- 1 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS The News is authoriad to announce the candidacy of the following subject to the action of the Democratic primaries in July Sheriff: Oren Phillips Burl Griffin Cecil 19 Summer strips of 2cl Planted valley flowers wood 30 Minister's Obligated 21 Excuse 12 Dove cages assis- 40 Type 23 Soon 18 Play on tant measures 24 Denomi- words (pd) 32 Tapestry 42 Fruit drink nations 26 Bags i I- 3 4 3 7 8 9 29 Guide 31 Leading to actor I III 4 32 Vindicators 35 Excla- bird MEIN" mation 36 Fabulous 19 io 37 Cebine 21 22 1111111111 monkey 33 Turkish '24 25 Pe a7 A weight 39 Ceremony (fr 4 CHORES A professor at Pennsylvania State University says there is ahsolutely no relation between the number and kind of chores a child is assigned and the sense of responsibility he shows later as an adult "Indeed" said the professor "from some or our data there is a suggestion that too many urgent and serious duties assumed too early can have an adverse effoct on children" Nlost parents have enough trouble standing on their feet without someone pulling the rug out from under them Doing the dishes dusting the furniture and feeding the pets may not make a child a better adult hut it will at least get the dishes washed the furniture dusted and the pets fed Dallas Times Herald What is the trait of President Eisenhower which does most to bring him popularity? One man says its Ike's mixed up rhetoric And there may be something in his line of reasoning We to vote for people who know as much as we do but not any more We don't want intellectual giants me want common men and NV 0100 0 ho say "ain't" now anti then get their nouns and verbs mixed up leave participles (tangling from the end of many a sentence and now and then start sentences stop and start all over again Stevenson is too correct to be popular Nixon may come in the same category Our friend's advice to a politician is: "Answer the questions the people want answered but don't be too quick about it Stumble along as if you are hunting for an allSWer at the time" Being no authority on what causes Mr A to vote for Mr and oppose Mr when Mr and Mr stand for the same thing dil let you say whether our informer knows his politics or is just talking SURPLUS BOOK CROP There's something to be said for the proposal by a New York publisher that the government should he required to buy and store all hooks that are print NI but unwant ed and unsold If farm products metals etc are stockpiled to keep their producers in business in case the excess output is ever needed litera tore desenes the same hreak It's not likely hut people might someday decide to take up reading again If the authors and puhlishers all given up and started selling insurance or cars think of the shortages and the panic Montgomery Advertiser 1 The 11 Do It Every Time By jimmy Ihdo I limponme It I Pam ellon 24 111M111111 41 Scratched de 43 Religious 51 1 3 4 III teacher (Moham) 54 it Of old times AllIMIIIIIII (poet) 31 45 American Mill11111111111111 Imians 43 48 Require Mill111111111E1 xnents 45 DOWN? MIIIIIIIIIN Scintillate Smith Quiaton Blake Ray Loyd Benton State Representative No 1 Lonnie Abbott henry Roberts Stale Representative No 2 Robert Ford Bob Bennett County Commissioner Dist 1 David Gray Austin Deaton Sr DON ToUCH AW-n-INcil MAKE YouPsELF A sANDwicw TH 1 1 --Nts is FoR THE AuxILIARy-- A -hi! 11:1 1-111121 A I 111 I FOP 1-1EP HENS' CLUB FLOTILLA COES ALL OUT A CATERER A TO OF FOODTHE WORKS (4 -) 1 11 MOTHER -3 ti vreN VE JUST -ro A el c-- IrNe'A 125 a la- -'''r---2-A1 0 -i'2' 1: A I 1 04 4 Vg 4 S'cs Ag- 4t 0 PI' 43! 1 ----''All" 6644693 414 akIL a '( has trld us to put her hack in 777---771 school and not to orry about it What do you I Mc A IL CA) A lowgracle fever can per- -77-7-- sist pfter a ints infection such as mumps The only thing to do' I'VE GOT JU in this ease is to avoid fatigue A5 toucH insure adequate or extra sleep' BE COMFOR1 kind a good diet liUle ex- AS YOU 1-14 tra fruit etc) If the fever persists then lake her back to the doctor I'm sure if there is another Calle for her 40414 fever a repeat examination will reveal it Copyright 190 General Fea: tues Corp) I VE GOT AS MUCH RIGHT BE COMFORTABLE HAVE MJi14 -zr I JUST A LIGHT BLIPPE'T FOLKS-BUT 71415 SALAMI Is DELICJOUS- DC IN NOW DON'T N'' HOLD BACKr-'' 41" 1 County Commissioner Dist 2 lom Murphy George Collins County Commissioner Dist 3 Rae Thompson Ed Coins 4 4 f1------- '-t47-1--------- ii 1 -------c'P 1 i (-----(: 1 e7A 41'iX --J IKE ACCEPTS to-25 DAILY CRITIOQUOTE Here's bow to work It: 1 AXYDLBAAXR Is LONGFELLOAV One letter simply stands for anothPr In this sample A Is used for the three L's for the two O'n etc Single letters apos trophes the length and formation of the words are all hints Each day the code letters are difkrent A Cryptogram quotation WLAI XR LIPAT CLARXRT BPLII Kr1411V13 PUMA C21 3 1XFU MK FIIRIXRT Ye5terday's Cryptoquote: A LIME IN DRINK BUT AT ALL TIMES YOUR FAITHFUL CZ 1960 lailas Features Saaltata 1ac4 1 40 ItODAY SHE'S ENTERTAINING FOLIZS-AND WHAT GIVES? NOT MUCH PAL-- NOT MUCH! 114ANX AND A 'TIP OF 'THE HMO NAT TO 1C44 O'CONNELA4 ROCKY RIVER4: 01410 (Aai Af--P 4 Niko lkiiI it --7-' i) For County Assessor Joe IL Riddle Chas Rushing US Congressman 4th fist Tom Steed tigh Hughes TAIPEI Eisenhower has accepted an honorary membership in the Taipei Golf and Country (lob it as announced here today The club said It had received a liter expresing the President's reret that he L'ould not use its facilities dunni coP I 1' 44 it 4 t1 kIrt i 6-ZS.
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