The Ada Evening News from Ada, Oklahoma (2025)

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Ada, Oklahoma

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1JC 'r The Woman Pays? i 4 tA ROTO MOOTEfc ft KRAUSE Phon 3264 i Ada OkU Phone 67 Lv READ DOWN I DXSI PM I 1 4 RIENDLY RIENDLY SERVICE 6:40 A Ada Phone 370 IXUJ'UC wnai vvnbivuw performance budget A rough 1 measure ft 'NCO MOTOR CD I 3 00 5 00 6 05 1 15 2 00 2 15 2 25 1 35 Coleman olsom 1 Kenefick Lula Tupelo Clarita 6 31 6 11 5 5 3i 5 il 5 0 223 W4 1 100 RENT OUR LOOR SANDER Estobllshad In 1904 LITTLE Editor SERVICE The congress has its parallels to the agenda idea in the senate and house But items get on the calendars only after considerable maneuvering by pol itical strength and awkwardness This is useful in one respect only It keeps off the calendar an en amount of legislative chaff There are now before the sen ate 2900 bills and 460 resolutions most of them left over from the last session Before the house are 6900 bills and 600 resolutions The 1949 session of congress passed only 793 bills making them law This comparison of measures in troduced and measures passed gives an idea of the amount of work that congress can do in an eight session during which the senate met on 185 days the house 165 In this slow grinding of the legislative mills a lot of trivial measures like authorizing the Marine band to go places and play music got passed while a lot of important measures like aid to education and extension of the social security program got passed over This is what is said to emphasize a need for somekind of a time performance bud get for congress to give priority for the more important proposals In other words the job of stream lining congress was not finished it was barely begun when con gress passed the Laollette Mon roney reorganization bill of 1946 1 taouiation or an me which President Tru of a paraffin topping WINTER MARMALADE pound dried apricots i No 2 can crushed pineap ple lemon orange Suear 11:40 A Lovelace Store Prichard Store Wapanucka Coleman Bromide ilmore 1 Milburn I Ar TISHOMINGO PER DAY Every Repair Job on Every Cor Is Personally' Guaranteed by rank Dotson Even Experienced Gals Want Marmalade Recipe By EDITH ortunately for a food editor there is always a new crop of housekeepers And as usual at this season some of them are asking for redoes for citrus mar malades Interest is not confined to this group however as there also have been requests for cer tain special recipes by members of the experienced group One of the latter asks for a recipe for marmalade with a tang She comments that oranges are so much sweeter now than they used to be she does not think they make the type of marmalade she likes She asks for a remedy for this The answer is to combine oranges with grapefruit and lem on' The old fashioned English type of marmalade is gtill made with the bitter Seville orange which is produced in Spain There are few trees bearing this type of fruit in this country The re cipe is simple although it does take a little time 1 'have found by experience that best results are obtained by cooking not more than a quart and a half of the combined fruit and sugar at one time Otherwise it will take so for the syrup to thicken that the flavor is injured Another point to remember is to use a a aluminum utensil or a stainless steel pot in neither of which will fruit scorch easily Another request has been for a combination marmalade using dried apricots canned pineapple with orange and lemon This is a good winter recipe as is also a combination of prunes with or anges and raisins By the way pint or half pint glass jars are better for marmalades than jelly glasses as they can be sealed quickly and easily without the use of a paraffin topping AST BUS AND EXPRESS SERVICE OKLAHOMA CITY TULSA CHICKASHA ARDMORE COALGATE ATOKA NORMAN SHAWNEE XsiX SCHEDULES to OKLAHOMA CITY' AND TULSA BUS DEPARTURES DAILY Effective January 16 1950' 9:45 AJVI 12:30 4:05 6:00 8:15 By PETER EDSON NEA Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON Both houses of Congress in the first three weeks of thenew sesr sion have become completely fouled up in their own red tape The subject in the Senate was re peal of taxation and other restric tions on the sale of oleo margar ine In the house it has been an unsuccessful effort to move back wards by repealing a much need ed reform which passed last year curbing the power of the house rules committee to kill legisla tion Performance of this kind is what drives editorial writers and others interested in efficient gov ernment nuts It is also the des pair of voters and taxpayers who think they are entitled to a better break for their money And it provides excellent propaganda material for the advocates of to talitarian government who are telling the world that democracy a small is a complete flop 1 Much has been made of the performance which President Truman introduced thisyear The Committee for the Hoover Report pn reor ganization of the federal goveim ment has hailed this as a majorWvtep forward in simplifying and i making government more effic ient But this performance bud get based on dollars has also sug gested that maybe what congress needs is a 1 SEMINOLE ARDMORE i ATOKA SHAWNEE THE ADA EVENING NEWS ADA OKLA THURSDAY JANUARY 26 1950 wars to both of them in blood and destruction second good said Sir Brian surely to be found in the fact that both countries today are menaced by a common peril (a reference to the com munist offensive) The threat to our security our freedom and our common civilization is ob vious for all to see? There is yet another reason of more general nature Our world is contracting inventions have reduced distance and improved communi cations to such an extent that the nations are thrown together as it were much more' than in the past Difficulties Plentiful and Germany today live very close one from the other and I am very clear that they should want to be Sir Brian minced no words in declaring that formidable diffi culties lay the path which leads towards solid friendship be tween our two countries Your task and mine is to work hard that wisdom may Well now what interpretation do we place on this speech? We have a right to assume that the general making an ordin ary hands across the sea address Present in his audience were DOTSON MOTOR CO NOW LOCATED AT 228 EAST 10TH PHONE 1200 OR EMERGENCY SERVICE 1 1 1 i I i 9:35 AM 9:10 AM 11:45 AJW PM 5:30 PM 1 1 Soak apricots in water to just cover about 12 hours Cook until very tender and break into small pieces With wooden spoon Add pineapple Slice lemon or ange and grind or slice fine and add Measure and add 34 cup sugar to each cup of fruit Cook about 15 minutes until' thick Stir often during cooking Pour into hot jars and seal? Yield: About 5 pints j' GRAPERUIT ORANGE AND LEMON MARMALADE grapefruit oranges lemons SuPnr 1 i i Cut fruit in halves remove seeds and slice fine Measure fruit and juice and add 3 times the amount of water Let stand 12 hours Boil" 20 minutes Let stand again for 12 hours Add 34 cup sugar to each cup of fruit and juice Cook 4 to 6 cups at a time until jelly test is reached A WANTED: MONKEY CATCHER 5 NEW Want an outdoor job with lots of live pros pects? They need a monkey catcher here The field been worked since 1947 A newly hired monkey catcher a i left India suddenly during the communal riots of chat year be? fore getting down to work Hin dus take the job because monkeys are sacred to them Besides perpetrating such an noyances 'as swiping golfballs right off the greens the monkeys are occasionally vicious Cap tured monkeys will be deported rather than killed Municipal President Yudhvir Singh thinks they might bring some rfluch needed dollars in US Trade i 3 BftlNGUS YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Always illed by Registered Pharmacists COUGHLIN SAUER DRUG STORE Phone 651 Next to McSwain Theatre Congress Needs Some Kind Of 'Must List' for Legislation SEE THE NEW 1950 STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS IN OUR NEW SHOWROOM The Only Through Service from Ada Io Tulsa VTA HOLDENVILLE 9:35 A 2:30 6:35 man has requested in his State of labor 10 dealing with gener the Union Economic and Budget! government and the 11 point messages of 1950 discloses that C1VJ1 rights program there are some 85 which hereon 1 And of course the newgener siders of top priority In addition al 'ax revision proposals deserve there are another 100 more I priority over them all proposals made directly by the! executive departments of the gov ernment which they consider im portant though the White House has not yet given them its bless ing To sift through the 10000 other bills introduced by individ ual congressmen on their own to determine which are important is next to impossible and has not been attempted But the list is a' good starter for setting up a time per formance budget an agenda a must list or whatever you want to call it This is not to say that everything the president proposes should be passed just because he asked it Many of the requests in the messages should be and probably will be defeated or delayed But they are the things which an elected chief ex ecutive of any party and the voters who elected him have a right to expect the congress to act on one way or another Included in the must lists are some ten matters deal ing with international relations such as the Point our program ratification of the International Trade charter amendment of the displaced persons act and revision of customs procedures The social welfare housing and education programs involve some 20 measures in cluding his health plan aid for middle income home builders and National Socience oundation bills There are half a dozen key farm and natural resource measures a score involving finance industry prominent Germans He undoubt edly was speaking with the au thorization of his government and perhaus under instructions Sir talk I take it wgs in effect recognition of the un doubted fact that western Ger many is essential to the defensive system being created by western Europe to meet the communist drive To put it another way Britain is maneuvering to gain for western Europe the balance of power Germany must be an integral part of that set up On that basis the idea of bury ing the hatchet so strange but there is more than that to the story While there is much bit terness in England against the Germans because of the world wars yet through the genera tions the British people have felt closer to the Reich than to some other nations which we need not name since comparisons are od ious There are many ties be tween the English and the Ger mans not overlookingthat there is German blood in the British royal family DEATH OERS VACATION YIRROL Anglo Egyptian Su The local version of a department of vital statistics does things differently Reporting' a death the village clerk wrote in the official register: has left us for anever lasting holiday in Crates of vegetables are com pletely buried in crushed ice refrigerator cars MUNGLE BUS LINE Atoka Wapanucka Tishomingo Ardmore Wichita alls Effective 4S READ UP Ar 112 051 5 15 11 45 5 UU 11 4 45J 11 15 4 3d 4 10 11 05 3 50 3 30 10 40 3 15 110 251 3 I 9 201 1 READ DOWN Idallv daily PM I AM DON'T LET (OLD WEATHER KEEP YOU AT HOME! We Have a Good Supply of MO PAR HEATERS AND DEROSTERS or Dodge and Plymouth Cars and Trucks AND PLENTY PERMANENT ANTI REEZE 5PflNN BENI50N Published Each Week Da? Evenino Except Saturday and Sunday Mornmo by THE NEWS PUBLISHING AND PRINTING CO 114 16 North Broadway THE ADA EVENING NEWS Allen Wapanucka Durant Dalia (DAILY EXCBPT SUNDAY) Effective 4 1 4S I READ CT yoxs AM Ar 9 40 9 00 8 45 8 15 Xv 8 00 7:05 AJVI 9:30 AJVI PJW 11:50 AJVI PJV1 2:10 PM PJW 4:40 PJVI or Bus Information Everywhere Call BUS TERMINAL Serves OKLAHOMA' TRANSPORTATION CO UNION TRANSPORTATION CO DENCO BUS LINES INC 126 East 12th St 1 7 45Lv ATOKA OKLA' 8 15 8 35 9 00 9 15 9 40 10 00 1ft IftiT TTQWnMTNan 11 35Ar ARDMORE OK JoB Lv VIA WEWOKA 4:40 4Va ADA TO TULSA are $265 Plus Tax Phone 876 Page 4 THE ADA EVEN I NG NEWS DXS i AM 10 45 Lv ALLBN OKLA 11 io 11 30 ix 12 15 Ar WAPANUCKA 12 15 Lv WAPANUCKA 13 30 12 45 1 00 1 151 Cobb 1 30 Ar DURANT Weekly Bible Comment Christian Gospel Is for Everyone By WILLIAM GILROY If we could transport ourselves back through centuries and see just as it was the world and the environment in which Jesus rr Vril 1 3 1 1 4 V)O fniin I 1 $iooo ana his niwe udiiu ul uibcxpico xkv i dations of Christianity and the By Moil trade twritory per year church we should understand something OI By Mai! outside trade territory per year the wonderment of that beginning and the the ADA WEEKLY NEWS seeming miracle of how the church took By Mall outside node per year S200 r00 anj grew member of the associated PRESS As it is we see the events through 20 cen rtw Associated press is entitled exclusively turies when Christianity and the church worldwide when the church even in its out NatonQl Advertlsina Representatives: ward aspect has become an institution of burke kuipers a mahoniy in prestige and power and when the name of Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Christ in profanity or in sincere love and Si XWsft devotion is on the tongues of countless mil TeTephone Business Office Editorial Department 3 lions 552 We can hardly conceive how small in an I outward sense was the beginning in an en BIBLE THOUGHT OR TODAY vironment little larger than the smallest American state in a country itself almost Tiny birds find their way across an ocean jnsignificant in size among' the great and and a continent God guides them Men ad powerful empires of that ancient world I venture into realms of the spirit' where 1 facf paestine was situated al there is no map but God will guide us safely ways in the center of those great in our element if we trust him There is a Egypt Assyria Babylon Persia Syria path which no fowl knoweth Jb 287 Greece Rome gave the Holy Land an ac tual significance far beyond its size But the UNNECESSARY DUPLICATION real significance of Palestine was that it was a the Holy Land the land of strange and sharp To give1 you some idea of the things the contrasts of good and bad of evil Herods Hoover Commission found we quote the and devout shepherds but the land in which two paragraphs below: above and beyond all tragedy was the glory Houston a 1000 bed Navy hospital Qf preeminenCe in spiritual values and re with only 437 patients was beingturne in jg ous experience a neuropsychiatric center and the Veterans The marvel and the expianation of the Administration was letting bids for a new growth of Christianity are seen in the teach 1 000 bed $25000000 neuropsychiatric hos and mission of the Master and in the pital on adjacent property faith and vision that He inspired in His dis San rancisco 13 federal hospitals cpies As if He might have been speaking (exclusive of the Veterans Administration fr6m Rom the center of world power) in specialized tubercular and neuropsycniatric stead of from villages insignificant in the hospitals) had a total capacity of 9 905 beds Rome He announced His mission as and had only 4180 patients on hand If 7 of worldwide He commissioned His disciples these hospitals were closed and the 4180 pa to forth and cb the gospel to all the tients placed in the remaining 6 hospitals world even to its very ends and he assured those 6 would still be filled to only 54per them that everywhere He would be with cent of capacity Yet 3 more federal hospitals with a total capacity of 3000 more beds were But what was even more significant was II! DpilieL Iflrtl Rllintlv being planned fix the city at a cost of $70 the fact that this gospel was for every crea nlQn DflllSn VxllICiai DIUlliy 000000 And at the same time the federal jUfe that in a world in which class distinc i I i States Need of riendship 52138 Between His Nation Germany Muuuan uvop not long until there were saints caesar we want hospitals for the use of all the household (Philippians 4:22) and almost By people but it seems so foolish to erect thous from the beginning slaves fouhd a new in ands of expenswe hospital rooms that are ward peace and freedom in their outward hJwlsCuffenred but mortal no nr bondage Master and slave rich and poor wounds from German aggression While there is some sentiment in Wash Jew and GentiIe all had their place in that It therefore is of peculiar inter ington to bring about unified planning and fellowship in Christ where there were no VsHthh zoneTGeXny I unified operation little is being done about distinctiOnS but Christ was all and in all calling for the burial of hatreds! (Colossians 3:11) and a renewal of Anglo German i I That was the miracle of Christianity friendship President Truman makes no distinction man be in christ jesuSihe is a new what happened the other between money and what money will buy creature (Corinthians 5:17) Any man! our dollars instead of one do not help if That is the universality radiance and pow talk before8 the Hamburg Over the four will not buy more than one In er the Christian gospel If we modern seas club He begging for stead of talking about the multiplied dollars Christians have lost any of its radiance and friendship from his German au the next fifty years will bring he ought to we must reca tre the faith and the dience bu rattier mg the say how many more suits of clothes shoes £ision In the faith and vision in which of a soldier automobiles bowl games dances tee Christianity began is the sole secret and way The general gave his subject phones and speak deep freezers Rs contjnued growth and power in the forthright question: one can have England and Germany be 1 I g0 SAY I Then right at the start Why are we so interested in a I a down to earth talk he stated age at school on a job in athletics or run I lost faith in the and I never answVhke this: ning for office? What does the number of had time enough to hate Say Raybum mentors would years a man or woman has lived matter? of Texas probably tell us that the question How one looks now what one can do what which I have posed is simple to is the condition of these are The decision by a government on whether to maareaUGodT children and important orget about the years withhold or grant recognition to a new govern brothers They can be friends ment is an exercise of a basic sovereign right and should be friends You may One theater goer says the world needs a Each government must make its own decision in feel that such an answer is un noiseless Doncqrn and another wants the the light of the situation as it sees it and of its relotseirts not unprac potato crackling cut down They own Michael McDermott State tical and I believe it to be right should not be so cruel Nobody could en Department on British recognition of Red China to remember that the answer joy popcorn or potato chips without making which the churches would give noise that is part of the fun The opportunities of the American way of life ls £undam are past only for those who cannot recognize Ungrammatical expressions by men are Gov Thomas Mabry New Mexico strong mustard coming bad enough but somehow or other one ex from a British soldier who has pects to hear good English from a woman The next 10 years will be one of the richest and spent some of the best years of jndUt ninety nine times out of a hun most prosperous decades in the history of the his Wfightmg Germansjn fa dred the wonym use better language than Gov rank Lausche Ohio the taking of such a position is men indeed mustard There is The returning prisoners whom the Russians I as he stated "A somewhat long One public official seeking re election have released after a hard indoctrination of com I England '3etween said he ought to be permitted to make one I munism have failed completely in building up a And'why'should these two old mistake The wit standing by reminded the I party in Army Undersecretary Tracy enemies want to be friends? One official he oughtto be right one time too Voorhees good reasoiLls the cost pf past I i 1 I jOiSiwM IM a 1 I mwtM QOGQID I Kfv Hi OKLAHOMA CITY AND TULSA CHICKASHANORMAN 7:05 AM 6:25 A 7:05 AM 9:30 AJW 9:45 AJH 11:50 AM 11:40 AM 12:05 PJH 2:10 PJH 2:30 PJ 2:15 PM 4:40 PM PM 5:15 PM 8:10 PJL 6:40 PJH MOTOR CO.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.